Get started on setting up Kimai Mobile

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Your first workspace

To get started with creating your first workspace, you should fill in all of the following spaces.

Workspace Name

Use any name that suits what you’re tracking.

Server URL

Fill in the link of the server you are using Kimai on.

Email or Username

Enter your Email or Username from the Kimai web server. You can find it when you navigate to your profile settings.

Preferred Workspace

You can set this workspace as your preferred one. It will then open automatically when you start the app.


Use your API Password from the Kimai Server. See the next section “API” to proceed.

Create new workspace

Once you filled out all the required spaces you can start tracking your time in your newly created workspace.

guide 1 new

If you have a QR-Code, scan it via the application. In this way, you only need to enter the API password additionally.

kimai mobile screenshot QR code

API Password

  1. To generate your API password, go to your desktop version of Kimai
  2. On the upper right hand corner you can see your profile icon, click on it and navigate to “My Profile”
  3. Select API in the menu that appears on the right
  4. Now choose a password to enter and save it as your new API password
API - My Profile
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-20 um 10.49.09

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